Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day....

Ok, I know this post is a bit late, but I have thought so much lately about what a wonderful father our children have! Each one of them has a special relationship with their dad. He is such an amazing person and I am so lucky to be parenting with him. When each one of the kids were babies, he always got up with them at night with me. When the twins were born we had to feed them every three hours around the clock. They continued this routine for 8 months! Bryce was up each night for every single feeding! I don't know how he did it and worked the next day. He has supported our children through all kinds of lessons, attended all their dance, singing, theater, etc. programs, coached Jesse in baseball and basketball as well as scouting camps, etc. He jumps in and helps whenever anyone of them needs it. When any one of the kids has a sensitive issue they need to discuss, they know he will be there for him, listening and offering his love, support and priesthood blessing upon occasion. He is sensitive and strong and each one of our children adore their father. Halle is going through the daddy's girl phase right now and I know that Bryce is eating this up! (Of course, Megan and Melinda have never left this phase!) I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. I love him with all my heart.

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