Friday, March 26, 2010

Just a little ramblings....

Boy, is today really March 26? I'm gazing out the window and I see snow! Yes, it's snowing here right now! (Nathan will be delighted as he has been talking about more snow for the past couple of weeks) Yesterday was sunny, a bit windy (enough for a kite which we flew a bit), and plenty of outside play on bikes, cars, tramps, swings, and more! I love this time of year. Today is cool. A time to stay in more. A time to clean the house and wash clothes, plan meals & grocery lists, fine tune gardening plans and of course, plan Easter! The kids are weary! We have been very busy this week. Late nights, early mornings, hmm, we are still trying to adapt to daylight savings!

Jesse was out of school yesterday. He was feeling sick. He worked so hard to reach a goal he has set  for himself for this school quarter that just ended. I think the poor kid wore himself out - between school, basketball, scouts. lessons and friends! He did reach his goal - straight A's!! Hooray Jesse. I am so proud of you!

Poor little Abby has had another cold! She brings tissues to me to wipe her cute little puggy, red nose. She has the sweetest little smile. I hate seeing her under the weather! Luckily the rest of us are all well. We had the dentist look at her front tooth the other day. He told us that the front tooth and the tooth next to it was semi fused together. This is not all that uncommon and the permanent teeth will have individual roots so that will not be the case forever. Nothing serious.

Nathan pointed out his thumb to me this morning for the first time. He has a little scar tissue on it where the other side was removed when he was a baby. Nathan was born with a "double thumb tip" I told him about how his thumb was when he was a baby and how the Dr. had performed some surgery so he would have one tip instead of two. I reassured him that if the skin bothered him, the Dr. could probably do something with that too! He was satisfied and went on his merry way!

We celebrated Kolton's birthday on Tuesday. My little grandson is now 4 years old! Wow! He is a complete delight. He loves to help out right now and is a great little helper. The kids love having all the grand kids over! They never tire of each other's company. Little Jayden is getting old enough to be right there with them too! It's so cute seeing him sit up and giggle at them and of course, they love to show off and make him smile and laugh. Micah's favorite thing right now is the glider! He loves it and spends most of his time when we go out back, on the glider. We have an amazing neighborhood. No one around us has back yard fences and the kids have so much fun playing on each others yard toys. We love our neighbors and neighborhood.

Well, I am off to get started with my "chores"! Again, I am gazing out the window and the snow has stopped, the sky is still cloudy but now bright and it's just plain beautiful. I love spring!

PS  Here comes the sun now!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Guess what we did today?

You can't build a snowman without having a snowball fight!
Bryce always manages to get me by surprise!
Of course, I ALWAYS get even ;o)
Everyone got into the act!
Bryce nails me a good one here and Melinda is snapping this picture knowing full well that what Jesse is going
to do to me next! Of course, I haven't got a clue!
Jesse burried Josh!
Our finished product "Frosty Croxford"
These two little angels managed to nap through our whole outside fun!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

From Sunshine to Snow!

YESTERDAY was beautiful. We spent all afternoon flying kites! Meg, Wes and the boys dropped by and we all had a great time. At first the wind was inconsistent and the kites swooped and dived but then it smoothed out and the kites were fine - that is until one kite "flew away"! The kite left was enough to keep the kiddos, busy, sharing and having a very fun time in the yard. Boy, I absolutely love days like this! What fun!

TODAY winter is back! That quick! That's how it is here in Utah! I have to say, the weather painted a beautiful picture outside. I just love it! I'm hoping that we will get enough snow and it will stick long enough to build that snowman I have been promising the kids! We'll see how it all comes out tomorrow!

Poor Jesse woke up feeling sick this morning. Fortunately, by early afternoon he felt well enough to hit part of school. He has tomorrow off because of teacher workday. We were hoping to head up to Bear Lake but I guess we will stick around home this weekend. See if we can get some family games going or something else fun!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Wonderful Day....

It is so beautiful here today! The temperature probably reached near 60 degrees! I just wanted to be outside!

Bryce and I and the twins were able to go with Megan and Weston and the boys to her ultra sound appointment. How thrilling to see that tiny little baby! I could definately be an ultra sound technician. I never get tired of peeking at unborn babies! Of course, this one is especially cute! ;o)  Megan and Wes have decided to wait until its birth to find out its sex so I have to admit, the hardest part of the ultra sound was to keep my eyes from peeking at that especially revealing time! My integrity is protected as alas, I prevailed!

Melinda came over and stayed with the girls which was so nice. They would not have really understood what was going on and it would have been pretty hard to watch all four children.

It was so nice chatting with Julie. She is the most amazing woman. Her whole family is so brave and admirable. I love them all so much. What a blessing to have people like this in our lives. They continue to lift and inspire us and so many people around them. Sweet Michael will be back in the hospital tomorrow for a few days. He battled meningitis this past Christmas. WOW! He is truly a strong, and incredible boy.

I am so grateful for the health of my children. My heart continues to go out to those mothers who support and help their children with the health challenges they are facing. WOW! I have had the great blessing in my life of knowing many woman who are doing this very thing and their love, faith, courage, endurance, tenderness, etc etc continues to be an inspiration to me!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Primary Chorister told us this today....


Chorister in Primary to Josh (trying to get his attention) "I like your vest"

Josh: "Thank you, I like yours too. You have pretty buttons!"  I can be a helicopter (spreads arms and begins to spin!

Nathan: "I can be a helicopter too!" (becomes another helicopter)

Now we have 2 spinning helicopters in primary! The twins LOVE primary!!!!


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