Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where does time go?

Life if so busy. My intention in beginning this blog is to keep a record of our family on a daily or weekly basis, more for myself and family than anything else. The time just flies and we've been so busy and suddenly another month and a half has gone by! So, let's see if I can catch up a bit. A typical day lately has been like yesterday. The toddlers all woke up and while I was helping Abby upstairs, they slipped away to the main floor where the kitchen is! (YIKES) Unfortunately, I forgot to attach the child lock on the pantry door! Well, you can guess what a party they had in there. When I came down, we had flour on the kitchen flour mixed with mini marshmallows & raisins. Many other items were scattered about! (sigh) Later on that morning, I ran upstairs to get Abby and change her! When I came back down, the kids were coloring at the table with a green sharpie marker! (Now, where did they get that? I swear they have a secret stash of forbidden items somewhere! LOL) Well, Nathan had, of course, colored himself. It was green all around his mouth, both arms, the back of his neck, (he must of had some help with the back of his neck) and both legs. Unbelievably, he didn't get any on his clothes! Well, three little kidlets were promptly placed in the bathtub! Did you know rubbing alcohol helps green permanent marker to fade quite a bit? You can't really see it anymore, thank goodness.

Jesse came home from school today and was off to scout camp! He is such a cutie! He was very excited and Bryce went with him. They are staying overnight up by Jordanelle somewhere! Sounds a bit chilly for me. Both of these guys have been ill this week. They were both feeling better so I hope all goes well up at camp. I got the kids in bed last night and spent some time cleaning up the house. I'm up early this morning doing the same thing. Just thought I would take a minute to get my blog going again.

Last night while tucking in Josh and & Nate, we got talking about Halloween. As of last night, Nathan announced that he was going to be "a bat". Josh is still a bit undecided but Nathan is working on him! There may be 2 little bats in our house on Halloween night! I love the holidays and children make it that much more fun!

Hallie has a bit of a cold. Poor little girl. She is so much fun. Girl through and through although she can run like Jesse! (I've discovered this while trying to get something away from her!) I need to post some updated pictures.

Melinda is busy in school and we both spent a quiet evening last night. She enjoys her sorority. (she belongs to a LDS sorority at the U) They do a lot of really fun things. She keeps busy too! She is going to UVU and has decided to get a nursing degree.

Megan and Wes and their family are doing well. We get together quite a bit, especially during the day and let the kids play or take them somewhere fun. Lately, we have enjoyed Gardner Village, various parks etc. We tried the mall a couple of weeks ago and I found myself chasing 3 little boys (Nathan, Josh, & Kolton) down Fashion Place Mall! I'm sure it was quite a site. We were just leaving Gymboree and without any warning, the boys just took off running, giggling, shoplifting, (Kolton was wearing one of Gymboree's hats), I chased them all the way, and I really mean ALL THE WAY, down the mall. I finally caught up with them and a very kind gentleman grabbed one of them! (sigh) While I was trying to "catch" them a lady suddenly became very interested and started asking me if they were triplets! Right in the middle of trying to catch these little kiddies that's all she could keep asking me! (I was thinking, why don't you just jump in and help me catch them first then I tell you anything you want to know!!! LOL) Every day, brings a new experience! Nothing is mundane around here! I wouldn't trade my life and what I am doing for anything!

I went over to Nanci's and John's house Thursday night. They BBQ hamburgers and had us over to visit with Alisha who is in town for the week. It was so much fun. I love my family. I haven't seen Alisha in years and she brought her little 8 month old boy with her, Breven. He is a doll! What a cute mommy too. She looks great and her little guy is so happy and busy. Nanci's children were there too and I haven't seen them in quite awhile either. It was so fun to visit with them. This is the first time I have seen Brandy's little girl, Nadia. I swear I stepped back in time 20+ years! She looks so much like Brandy. Another darling baby! She was all smiles too. I even got to visit with Rees and his wife Maria. What a cute couple. It was fun getting to know them better. Taylor stayed after Brandy and Carly left and she is such a cute little girl. Growing up so much!

Well, I know that's a lot but I'm glad I caught up a bit. I can hear some suspicious noises upstairs so my family is waking up! I will try to blog more often and get around to posting some pics. Life is great and although it is sooooo busy, I couldn't even begin to imagine doing anything else than what I am doing right now! I love being Mom!

1 comment:

Paula said...

I love the surprises I always find when the children have been left to their own devices a little too long (like, about 30 seconds). Thank goodness for bathtubs, vacuums, washing machines, and all our other helpful friends!


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