I can't believe this! I decided to begin a blog to keep a family journal really and this summer has absolutely flown by full of business and fun! First off I want to introduce our new daughter....
Abby Ellen Croxford! She came into this world July 31, 2008 at 1:40 pm. Weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful and has lots of thick, black hair. Everything went very well for both Melinda and Abby. We are all in love and as you can imagine, she has many helpers! Here they are -
We found a beautiful, new house! It is just one block over from our other house so we are in the same ward. We pulled this move off in one week and I am still in shock that we did this! Megan took the little ones each day and with Jesse and Melinda helping out while they were home, we got all moved out and then in! We hired some help this time which was awesome although it still took quite a bit of time. (How did I acquire so much stuff???!!!) We are all tired this week and recovering from many late nights and very physical, busy days. The boys learned a couple of new tricks during this move. One is how to get out of the cribs in spite of all my best efforts to keep them in. We received many middle of the night visits (of course, after finally getting to bed in the wee hours of the morning). Also, how to open the front door! I discovered this one on day one at our new house. I put them all down for a nap and left them with Melinda and Jesse. I went over to our old house to clean up. On the way home, Melinda called to ask me if I wanted her to get the kids up. She said she could hear them. I was pulling up to our new house while on the phone with her when I noticed a little boy across the street busy playing with some Tonka trucks! Josh!!!! He had learned to open the front door! YIKES! Well, we had to push a heavy box in front of the door, which the boys discovered that if they both work together, they can push the heavy box out of the way and open the door again! So.....we stacked 3 heavy boxes on top of each other! Ha.....just try that out Josh and Nate! Bryce has since gone to the hardware store and installed a child proof lock! (I hope it works. I've been thinking of volunteering my crew to be the testers of all so called childproof safety devices!) So here we are in our beautiful new house and not a minute to unpack yet! I spent all day yesterday running errands. I left in the morning with Jesse to get his school supplies, music book (did I mention that he is going to learn to play the violin and to make it even more exciting and fun we are going to get him into some private lessons this fall with "Ryan Shupe" as his music teacher!) Abby had her 2 week appointment, and then off to Celest's to get haircuts for the boys and Melinda! We arrived home about dinner time. We fed the kids, got them to bed, fed ourselves and discovered that I had left Jesse's new planner book at Walmart this morning so off we went to retrieve that! (Of course we spent a little bit of time picking up a few other much needed items like milk, fruit and Haagen Daz! So once again, a very late night! I didn't know I could feel so tired! Abby has been waking to eat about every 3 hours and she is such a cute, sweet little baby. Last night she must of had pity on me, because she slept for a full 8 hours! Whoooo Hooo! Jesse headed off today for Jr. High! He is so excited! He had his first day on Friday for 7th graders only then Monday he had off (they had only the 8th & 9th graders) so today is the first day with all grades combined! He has 2 different days (A & B) with 4 classes each day. Today is "B" day! Off he left me this morning to catch the bus! I am so proud of him. He is an amazing boy. He had his 12th birthday this past month and was ordained a deacon on Sunday, August 10, 2008.