Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Wonderful Day....

It is so beautiful here today! The temperature probably reached near 60 degrees! I just wanted to be outside!

Bryce and I and the twins were able to go with Megan and Weston and the boys to her ultra sound appointment. How thrilling to see that tiny little baby! I could definately be an ultra sound technician. I never get tired of peeking at unborn babies! Of course, this one is especially cute! ;o)  Megan and Wes have decided to wait until its birth to find out its sex so I have to admit, the hardest part of the ultra sound was to keep my eyes from peeking at that especially revealing time! My integrity is protected as alas, I prevailed!

Melinda came over and stayed with the girls which was so nice. They would not have really understood what was going on and it would have been pretty hard to watch all four children.

It was so nice chatting with Julie. She is the most amazing woman. Her whole family is so brave and admirable. I love them all so much. What a blessing to have people like this in our lives. They continue to lift and inspire us and so many people around them. Sweet Michael will be back in the hospital tomorrow for a few days. He battled meningitis this past Christmas. WOW! He is truly a strong, and incredible boy.

I am so grateful for the health of my children. My heart continues to go out to those mothers who support and help their children with the health challenges they are facing. WOW! I have had the great blessing in my life of knowing many woman who are doing this very thing and their love, faith, courage, endurance, tenderness, etc etc continues to be an inspiration to me!

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